The History of BitPoll
BitPoll is a free software alternative to the Doodle website. Its origins are in Dudle from TU-Dresden. Later Dudel was written by Paul Bienkowski to speed it up and add a nicer interface and some new features. Paul's version is written in Flask, a Python web framework.
After some time, some shortcomings in the architecture were discovered, especially with ldap and very big polls. We decided to rewrite it again, this time using Django, also in Python. As a starting point, most styles and javascript artifacts were imported from the Dudel project.
BitPoll was developed by students from the Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg. The primary goal was to use it as one of the services provides on as a service for other students. It is now finally ready for production. The source code can be found on GitHub.
There are multiple ideas for new features to further improve BitPoll. Hopefully we will find the time to work on some of them.
We want to thank all who have contributed to this project.Main authors:
- Nils Rokita
- Mareike Schmidt
- Pascal Wichmann
- Paul Bienkowski
Thanks for the help with style and layout to Lars Thoms
We would like to thank the students of the Department of Informatics from the University of Hamburg for their testing of BitPoll
If you would like to contribute, you can create issues and / or Pull requests at GitHub.